A.K.A “Colonies”
Hiverse enables you to create “Colonies” for specific departments/teams or projects.
Create as many colonies as you need, invite colleagues & keep everyone updated!
Enjoy the diversity
Create a colony for specific purposes, connect your squads and bring teams together!

Enjoy the diversity
Create a colony for specific purposes, connect your squads and bring teams together!

Create new colonies
Create a colony and add as many people as you desire! You only need admin approval to get going.
Rearrange your groups and have the top 10 you want on your timeline.
Colony Chats
Not only can colony members share posts, a chat is automatically created in Hiverse’s chat room for better communication!

Colony Chats
Not only can colony members share posts, a chat is automatically created in Hiverse’s chat room for better communication!
Still got questions?
Contact us on [email protected]